The advanced Tai Chi class threw a Chinese New Year's surprise party and congratulated me for performing at U of A Centennial Hall with the Tucson Sino Martial Arts Group. There were all sorts of yummy treats with tea and coffee.

Back left to right: Brenda Richardson, Vell Moder, Annette Beasley, Cookie Popham, Lois Starns, Terra, Sandy Mills, Bruce Dean, Jack Reesy, Mike Waters, Maryjo Jackson, Karen Holthofer, Joan Houlas. Second row right to left: Ellen Reesy, Marie Murphy, Debi Frerichs, Barb Doehring, Carol Welch, Lupe Sipperley. First Row right to left: Jan Towery, Gwen Dean, Sifu Mike Yeager, Bev Rosenthal, Curt Jackson.
When the beginning class arrived, they were invited to participate in the party and share in the treats as well.

From back left to right: Sam McElwaine,Vell Moder, Judy Eichman, Karen Holthofer, Linna Liu, Auriana Marici, Barbara Fiederl, Sandy Mills, Martha Anderson,Mary & Bob Kacmarcik, Lois Starns, Kay Bluer, Joan Houlas, Cookie Popham, Jack Reesy, Bruce Dean, Helen Romine, Second row right to left: Marie Murphy, Cathy Demming, Ellen Reesy, Stella Beauregard, Sandy Haegele, Dorothy McKenna, Kathy Donnelly, Steph Kentala, Front row left to right: Kat Strandle, Bev Rosenthal, Carol Welch, Sifu Mike Yeager, Terra, Maryjo Jackson, Gwen Dean, Jan Towery, Brenda Jackson.