Green Valley village tai chi/qi gong day 2013

We started things off by warming up together.
We had a great morning of Tai Chi and Qi Gong on Saturday(3-23-13) in the Centre Court of Green Valley Village. This was our third annual event open to the public.
We celebrated World Tai Chi Day here in Green Valley a month early so that the snowbirds could participate.
We celebrated World Tai Chi Day here in Green Valley a month early so that the snowbirds could participate.

Golden Bamboo Tai Chi Club performed the Yang Tai Chi 10 Form.

Kat Strandlie led the group in a series of Qi Gong exercizes.

Golden Bamboo Tai Chi Club performed the Yang Tai Chi Broadsword Form.

Tim masterfully handled all the background music for the event, including playing the guitar and singing while we were getting ready to start.

Roger Ederle and Julie Henriksen and their students from Quail Creek perform a Yang/Sun combination set.

Roger invited everyone to participate in a series of Qi gong exercises.

Mike, Annette and Carol performed the Yang style Tai Chi Eight Immortals Cane Form.

Shizen, Sarah and Shuping performing the Chen Tai Chi 49 Sword form
The Tucson Sino Martial Arts Group from Tucson led by Zhao, Shuping participated in the event.

Shizen and Sarah performed a Tai Chi Fan Form.

Shuping performed a Mulan Quan(Chuan) style double sword form.

Golden Bamboo Tai Chi Club performed the Yang 24 Form. Other groups and individuals joined us

David Lichty with the help of Kat, demonstrated push hands

David invited the audience to try pushing hands with each other.

The last activity of the event was Animal Qi Gong led by Terra. Here a couple of Green Valley participants spread their wings.

Special thanks to Susan, the administrative assistant at Green Valley Village, for all her help and support,
without which there would have been no event.
Also thanks to the event committee(Annette, Martha, Vell and Kat) for planning the event and making it happen. Thanks to Carol who taught the beginning class while the committee had meetings. Thanks to Tim for his great job handling the music and special thanks to Terra who MC'd the event and for her help advertising the event and helping the committee in too many ways to mention. And finally thanks to all the Golden Bamboo Tai Chi students who helped out and participated in this year's event.
without which there would have been no event.
Also thanks to the event committee(Annette, Martha, Vell and Kat) for planning the event and making it happen. Thanks to Carol who taught the beginning class while the committee had meetings. Thanks to Tim for his great job handling the music and special thanks to Terra who MC'd the event and for her help advertising the event and helping the committee in too many ways to mention. And finally thanks to all the Golden Bamboo Tai Chi students who helped out and participated in this year's event.