World Tai Chi/Qi Gong Day 2018
April 30th this year was a blustery, rainy day in Port Townsend. We held our annual World Tai Chi/Qi Gong Day indoors in one of the Port Townsend Athletic Club work-out rooms. For an hour and a half the event consisted of a combination of participatory Tai Chi/Qi Gong exercises and demonstrations.

We started off with a few minutes of standing meditation followed by the 8 pieces of Brocade Qi Gong routine.

Many in attendance performed the Yang 10 and 24 forms.

Mike Yeager, Rebekah Cadorette and Mike Dobkevich performed the Sun 38 form

Mike Yeager and Rebekah performed the 8 immortals cane routine.

Mike Yeager performed the Dragon section of the Hung Gar Kung Fu routine, 5 animals/5 elements to demonstrate "hard Qi Gong".
Thanks to all those who participated and to the Port Townsend Athletic Club for hosting the event. We hope for better weather next year.